Saturday, June 18, 2011

Revolution, January 25

On January 25, 2011 broke revolutionize January 25 called for the people where to stand down Hosni Mubarak down after claims several non-inheritance or run for elections ended all failed, and gathered demonstrators on Tuesday 25/01/2011 and asked to drop the system and drop the rule of Mubarak and the lifting of the state of emergency Egypt, the revolution led by young people, women and children Egyptians Liberal believers, this revolution has made Hosni Mubarak make three statements I declare the resolution the current government and call Ahmed Shafik, Minister of Civil Aviation to form a new government, and the appointment of a deputy for the first time, Mr. Omar Suleiman, head of General Intelligence Egyptian, came his second broadcast on Tuesday evening on 1/2/2011, declaring it did not have his candidacy for the upcoming elections which were scheduled to take place in September 2011 and ruled the country not to bequeath to his son, Gamal Mubarak, who had been working in recent years to file the inheritance of power, The mandate of the concerned authorities to study the popular demands for amending some articles of the constitution, and led to a sort of division among the rebels, the split, which still Huth after what has become known location Aaljml 2/2/2011 and continued the revolution amid a clear rejection of all that came in Letters of the President launched in all countries of Egypt - especially since it was during the revolution was declared the value of wealth of the Mubarak family, which was estimated according to the Guardian newspaper, about 40 to 70 billion dollars [15] -, this wealth has angered the rich and the poor and raised the workers and staff from different sectors, and led to more of cohesion between all the spectra of the people, and to make matters worse by President delivered a recent speech the spark inflammatory for more feelings revolutionary Btfweidah Mr. Omar Suleiman, to carry out the functions of the President as prescribed by the Constitution, which I consider the people to ignore the demands and insisted on power.. With the increasing popular rejection and then grow unwilling to Mr. Omar Suleiman, on the evening of Friday, 11.02.2011 at six pm announcement step down Mubarak governance and mandate of the Supreme Council of the armed forces manage the affairs of the country, led by Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, Minister of Defense. to start the country completely new stage at various levels began to dissolve the People's Assembly and Shura Council and the suspension of the constitution.

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