Museums include Istanbul on a wide range of museums, notably: the palace of the sultans (Topkapi Palace Topkapi Sarayi) This is a museum of the best museums that are
recommended to visit, which is very close to Hagia Sophia, the Mosque of Sultan Ahmet so you can visit them all at once and move from one to the other on foot, and it should be noted that the museum closed its doors to visitors on Tuesday, and requires access to him to pay a fee of $ 12 for pounds per person if you would like to see just some of the wings of the hotel But if the visitor to see all wings of the museum such as the Department of the harem, and the Department of treasures, etc. it needs to pay additional charges for each of them, and from my point of view that tourists Arabs do not need see Section harem and treasures and all they need is to see the stand what they call the (Department of the Prophet peace be upon him) In this section the visitor can see some of the swords, which they claim Swords Sahaabah such as Ali ibn Abi Talib and Jafar the pilot, and Omar ibn Al-Khattab and Abu Bakr and others. Add to Saif Saif claim that the Prophet peace be upon him, as well as some of the hair that they claim he was the messenger. Must be alert to all these archives are located in the small room overcrowded in most cases, mild lighting which makes the visitor almost suffocated prefers not to enter a whole family, especially if their children but would prefer to enter in the form of small groups and remain members of the family abroad with children. And The age of the children were admitted to consciousness is suggested in small groups and explain to them the contents of the room. Traditional markets (Bazaars) is the Istanbul of the most famous cities in the world frequently Pazaradtha and traditional markets, but there are some markets or bazaars gained international fame, and most important of these bazaars the following: Kapali Carsi - Grand Bazaar is a huge market-old more than 700 years as a the number of stores more than 4000 stores, and is one of the most prominent tourist attractions in Istanbul, where are advised to visit each of the visited Istanbul. It is also seeking a kiss Eastern antiques, and leather goods, ceramics, jewelry is a good place to buy gifts. However, it should be noted that it is somewhat expensive, and some exhibits may be purchased from elsewhere at lower prices. Depends buying and selling in this market Almkasr must pay attention to this matter. And is proposed for the families that do not attend with her children when you visit this market as much as possible because you do not what it Imitahm as they may be exposed to fatigue extreme of the large number of walking due to the large market, and also the possible loss, in addition to most of the exhibits market of antiques breakable. In general, if you want to enjoy shopping in this market, it is suggested leaving the children at the hotel as much as possible. There are some cafes in the market for a break and there are machines for the withdrawal of the international, as well as places to change currency. Have not noticed that the money changers in this market give the best prices and an increase of three to four pounds from other stores out of the market. It is advice that proposed to the visitors for this market to buy the person nothing like him and liked and wanted to buy it immediately and not delay to see and compare the prices because it often merely to leave the store may be impossible to know the way back to it easily by the many street markets and similarity.

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